Understand the Delivery Timeframes and Conditions

Standard Shipping - Free
The estimated delivery time is 12 to 14 business days. The order preparation time is 1 to 3 business days. Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are not considered business days.

You will receive a tracking code to monitor your order. If the tracking code does not work on our website, you can check the status using one of the following links:

All of our products are imported from Asia and Europe and, due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, there may be delays.

Tracking codes can take 1 to 3 business days to be updated in our system.

We are not responsible for delivery issues caused by incorrect address information provided during the purchase.

If the delivery time has passed and you have not received your order, we recommend contacting Correios to check the status. If Correios has no information about your order, please contact us immediately at If we confirm a logistical issue, we will issue a refund or send a replacement order after verification.

Make sure to provide an address where delivery can be successfully made. After three confirmed delivery attempts, you will need to pick up your order at a nearby Correios agency. Storage fees will be charged if the order is not picked up within 7 calendar days. The fee depends on the weight and size of the product.

Customs Duties
All products are shipped from abroad and may be subject to customs duties. The fee is 60% of the purchase value or the amount determined by the Federal Revenue Service. If taxed, the payment of the fee is the responsibility of the customer.

If a postal fee (R$15.00) is charged, the customer must pay the fee or contact us via email at so that our team can handle the payment.